Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pulled the Tribal Plug

Years ago when Allen and I worked together as desktop analysts dealing with important desktop support issues we worked with brainiacs some of whom spilled coke on their keyboards, embedded plant soil in the CRT monitors and the ubiquitous response of I can't start my computer when it wasn't plugged into a power sources. Ha. Truly fun times.

Although I far from being designated the top ranked geek in IT I did possess an uncanny customer service talent which offered me the endearing title or nickname of Smoothie.

Allen, thanks for the reminder of my old nickname. It brought back good old memories. I think if I told you the nickname at my last job you might blush or barf. Or both. Ha.

This is a cumbersome segue into the next thought stream but here goes:

Have been feeling alone, alienated and lonely after I was abandoned from the huge social network at the fortune 500 company where I worked for fourteen years I jettisoned from 100 mph to 0 mph in sixty seconds.

So I began an ardent campaign a to search for a new tribe (group) to be part of. I like the word tribe rather than group. I've been meditating, chanting, praying and visualizing in my search to be part of a new group. Although many of us think we're alone with these feelings there s a huge disenfranchised tribe of like minded loners who would like to to connect. Ironically,
most of us just sit home alone, use the TV as the baby sitter and chocolate or potato chips as additive means to comfort ourselves and unashamedly brood as did I for a while. While others pull themselves up with their bootstraps and begin a new journey while not being fearful of getting their boots dirty.

So, I put my tush in gear and began asking around and reading the local rags and web site for gatherings of all types. I then began attending as many unique and not so unique tribal meetings as I could muster. Although the mantras may be different the people, purpose and results are the same. There seems to be a desperate and common search for purpose, identity and belonging.

Anyway I tried and found my niche I think. Since life is not perfect I starting to make decisions in a more timely manner than ever before where prior to my rebirth I over researched as a way to distraction. Blah blah blah.

I joined a conservative spiritual group on Main street in Venice. I'll call it the M-Tribe for moment. (Sounds mysterious doe sent it). The people are warm, down to earth, friendly and seem to be quite decent with good morals, manners and lofty characteristics. Is it a sure thing? Who knows but I'll give it a try. I've already been asked to be the web master (B) and offered some social activity ideas. Suddenly I have a little more tasks on my plate to take my mind off foolish thoughts. Or as an old priest friend of mind once said, "stinking thinking"

Blogging has been my new salvation. I so enjoy writing each day and will complete my daily journal of today's events in a little while. I've been getting unexpectedly and interestingly cool kudos from readers from around the world - including a lovely widow from the countryside of England. Yes, I'm finishing a how to piece since blogging has helped me get the writing ball rolling and seemed to have freed me from my self imposed paralyzing attitude.

Thanks you as always for listing and feel free to comment.



1 comment:

JennyB said...

Hello again Abba,
Thank you for the mention. I agree with you about blogging being a salvation of sorts. My photos are of Oxford and surrounding countryside, including the 'Cotswolds' an area of outstanding natural beauty. The coastal scenes are of south and west Wales where I spent much of my childhood. I love photography and writing, not that I'm expert at either. Keep writing, Jenny