Sunday, November 11, 2007

Drizzly Sunday

Drizzly Sunday.

With all the sunshine and heat we've had for the last several months the cloudy skies were a welcome relief and calming feel of some cooler temperatures and light drizzle.

Picked up a rye bagel with butter and very hot cup of delicious coffee at Peet's on San Vicente on my way to Venice to meet a new friend where I pulled the plug to join a new group I now call the M-Tribe. Judy helped me make the transition with kindness and a warm welcome.

Was feeling a bit pensive but also a little better than usual so I walked up Main Street to my favorite Farmer's markets on Ocean Park. Tooled around, had some more coffee and bumped into smiling Ginger. Seeing her reminded me that I didn't send my kids and their kids birthday presents a couple of months ago.

Ginger being the extraordinary craftswoman sewer that she is will begin making some handmade blankets and aprons for the clan back east. We'll work out the details next week over a cup of coffee and apple turnover at Starbucks on main.

Didn't want to head back home right away so I read the local press calendar section and noticed a book review group meeting at the main branch of the library at two o'clock.

Headed up there and found a good parking spot, probably because of the rain. The library was fairly well stocked with people. I was surprised at the large turnout for the book group. What a wonderful leader and very sharp literary comments from the participants, most of whom were elderly women. They were smart, articulate and fearless in their comments of the book's author, characters and plot points. What an exciting 90 minutes. I didn't want to leave. Evidently neither did they as they continued socialized for some time afterwards.

Was Asian food hungry so I stopped by a Thai restaurant nearby which I haven't frequented in years. It was early in the afternoon so it wasn't crowded and they showed off a new baby introduced to the family. They were very proud. Got my food, went home and began reading and writing. Settling in to finishing this piece. Thanks for listening.

OK. Time to say adieu.


JennyB said...

Hello Bronx Boy; Thank you for the invitation to read your blog. I agree with your earlier comment on being 'artificially safe'- something I have deliberately done since becoming a widow, shutting myself up in my warm cocoon. And like your further comments, it takes courage to move on and take life by the shoulders and shake it a bit.

I shall read your blogs regularly.

Anonymous said...

What a nice read. Thanks for letting me know about your blog and the link to my site. It makes me want to eat Thai food and go to a book group on a rainy day. But alas, with a small child and small business, there is little time for these things. I did glean great enjoyment today just from watching my daughter heartily eat her peanut butter and jelly english muffin, though. Life has its beautiful moments.